Leaked official NASA documents reveal decades of high-level preparation for a mass extinction event set to begin in 2025.
But this isn’t just about wiping out humanity—it’s about replacing us. Cyborgs, bots, and transhumanism are at the core of a global agenda, one that ties directly to the elite’s obsession with depopulation.
The goal? To plug humanity into a matrix, uploading consciousness to a digital cloud, where reality as we know it is a simulation—controlled and manipulated.
The Matrixwasn’t just a movie—it was predictive programming. And according to NASA documents, it’s about to become our new reality.
What’s even more disturbing? Many of the steps outlined in their plans have already happened. The clock is ticking, and the evidence is mounting. Are you ready to break free from the illusion?
The elite decided years ago to lie to us about the end-game of gene-editing nanotechnologies and the convergence of the digital world with the human body.
Biotechnology is literally the science of turning technology into new life forms andturning natural life forms into new technologies.
While transhumanism is often described as the merger of man with machine, in reality, it is the extinction of the human species and all biological life forms.
In a leaked presentation from NASA titled, “Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare (Circa 2025),” NASA presents a plan for the extinction of humanity that includes the emergence of cyborgs and “virtual humans.”
Slide 2 is clearly titled, “The Bots, Borgs, & Humans Welcome You to 2025 A.D” revealing the elite’s plan to relegate humans to a minority stake on earth, living in a simulation, with bots and cyborgs performing most of the work for the elite class of humans who are allowed to survive the mass depopulation event.
The Matrix wasn’t just a movie, it was predictive programming, and humanity is being encouraged to accept its fate.
This is a war on humanity and NASA confirms it is being coordinated by DARPA, US national security agencies including the FBI and CIA, as well as US Air Force and other military departments, and the Australian DoD.
There can be no doubt this presentation is an extinction plan for humanity via transhumanism.
In case you want to give NASA the benefit of the doubt, the presentation describes humans as“a type of pestilence on Spaceship Earth.”
To those who haven’t been following closely, this might come as a shock. But describing humanity as a plague or pestilence upon the earth is an obsession of the elite.
in a January 2021 investor presentation, BioNTech—Pfizer’s mRNA partner—also went as far as describing the human species as“a disease”plaguing the planet.
And of course, King Charles’ father Phillip famously said he wanted to bereincarnatedas a deadly virus to reduce the global population.
According to the NASA presentation, the end goal in 2025 is to have the vast majority of humans existing in virtual form.
The ultimate goal of the global elite’s collaboration to exterminate the human species and upload ‘human consciousness’ to a digital cloud is confirmed by an educational video from the China National GeneBank.
This disturbing video promotes the idea of “everlasting life” through a combination of extreme depopulation and the digitization of all living beings.
The globalist ghouls are not even trying to hide their plans anymore. Working in lockstep with the Chinese dystopian GeneBank, Klaus Schwab is opening calling for digitization of our brains so they can be plugged into the matrix.
The NASA documents expose that much of the globalists’ plan is already unfolding right before our eyes. Time is running out, and the proof is everywhere.
The real question is—are you prepared to wake up and take back control?
According to the NASA presentation, the year 2025 will feature terrorist attacks in the United States, biological attacks, and an EMP or electromagnetic pulse causing widespread fires and destruction.
We are only a week into 2025 and we have already seen most of these things.
Critical infrastructure will be destroyed as part of the plan to bring civilization to its knees, according to the document, and American citizens will be tortured on prime time news.
Deborah Tavares has more details about this disturbing NASA presentation.
According to NASA, the global elite consider the human race to be usless, so they are going to exterminate the majority of us and force the remaining minority to live in a simulation.
The document clearly states that the global elite, along with government agencies like NASA, will deploy silent weapons in a covert war against humanity in 2025, with the ultimate goal of depopulating the planet.
How are the elite planning to use NASA and other agencies to wage war on humanity and drastically reduce the global population?
The NASA presentation lays out their chilling strategy.
What’s even more disturbing is that we’ve already witnessed the deployment of many of these weapons against humanity.
We recently exposed a World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight that confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 – and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved.
For those who have not seen the video, CIA-linked Deagel documents have long predicted that the United States will see its population decline by 68.5% in the year 2025.
Germany is predicted to see its population decline by 65.1% in the year 2025.
While other Western countries including Canada, Australia and New Zealand are also predicted to suffer huge declines in population.
As we previously revealed, Deagel.com isn’t just the work of one man. It is the work of the globalist elite consisting of the CIA, the Pentagon, the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum.
Deagel’s work is not a prediction, it is atarget, and Klaus Schwab has acknowledged the elite are on track to hit their goals.
Being able to see the globalists’ plan as clearly as we can see it now, we have an obligation to future generations to resist, denounce and refuse any and all implementations of the technocratic agenda.
We can win, for the simple fact that there are more of us than there are of them, but we have to be vocal about it — we need to join forces and present a united front.
We need to resist and say “I DO NOT COMPLY” to everything they try roll out.